Continuous monitoring as part of road infrastructure construction works
Monitor the movement of unstable slopes interfering with the design route of a major road infrastructure.
Two Terrestrial SAR Interferometry systems (TInSAR) have been installed to continuously monitor the movement of unstable slopes. Data processing and management are performed through the use of TRIVIA, a Software specifically developed by NHAZCA. Given the absence of power lines in the vicinity, the TInSAR monitoring platforms have been equipped with an autonomous power supply system, consisting of both a stand-alone photovoltaic power and an energy storage system, called RAPS – Remote Area Power Supply, conceived and designed by NHAZCA. These systems ensure the control and management of power supply remotely.
In order to further increase the accuracy of the measurement on the monitored slope, NHAZCA has installed several Corner Reflectors directly on the slope.
Multi-temporal surveys were also carried out using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner, which can also detect targets partially covered by vegetation and integrated with a GPS antenna for georeferencing the 3D point cloud and a high-resolution camera.